Hello, I'm Ron Burgundy

Jul 22, 2004 10:35

hey what's up world of the livejournals?

how's everyone's summer. mine's been kinda crappy lately. last monday, i went to the mall, and i suddenly felt a shooting pain in my chest. it didn't go away when Tuesday came, so i went to the doctor on wednesday. got two X-rays taken, and was told everything was fine, and it was probably just a pulled muscle. kinda disappointed cuz i've had this pain come and go since January, but never this painful. so the pain actually went away thursday, and it's been gone since then. But Monday, my doctor calls me, and tells me I have to go the hospital for additional X-rays, because he thinks i may have a collapsed lung. When he told me this, i didn't think anything of it, cuz it sounds like a collapsed lung would not allow me to do some of the stuff i do, like play football, basketball, or even marching band. of course i went to the hospital the next day, got two more X-rays. I get home, and my doctor calls me, and informs me, i indeed have a small collapsed lung, or more proper, spontaneous pnueamothorax. So i get to go back to the doctors office on Friday for yet MORE X-rays. i think i've been to the doctors/hospital more in these past 2 weeks than i have in my entire life. I just have this wierd feeling i'm gonna be hospitalized or something crappy like that. not really looking forward to it at all, cuz i've read they stick a tube in you and pump out the air OUTSIDE of your lung. that's gotta hurt........

so my ultimate question is: does anyone have this that they know of? or do you know anyone that has this?

onto happier news......

i went to huber and breese on monday, and i'm now getting a Blue colored drumset, and it should be in by next week. So I have one thing to be excited about next week! : - ) (the originally set i ordered wouldn't be in 'til october !@#$)

and i also got my parents old computer working, the gateway. i did it almost all alone, with some help from Martin. Thanx! i also got a network card, and a network router for the house, the next step is just getting the cable service, and a cable modem, and i'm done with my computer-technician stuff for now.

and i also want a laptop soon. I thought i wanted a DELL one, but Sonys are cheaper and have more features. but i know DELL's work well and have good waranties.

And i told my boss that i needed more hours cuz i'm going to college, and i need the money. I just forgot to mention that i get paid dirt compared to others in the company. that mighta been a little more influencing.

still waiting for August 19 to come around so i can finally change my classes.................

and me and Mary went to see "Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy" damn, that's one excellent movie. Will Ferell is cartainly one of the greatest actors around today. my suggestion to you, is GO SEE IT!!!

i guess that's it for now.
More to come.................when i feel like updating again. (but don't hold your breath)
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