
May 22, 2006 22:37

So, yeah, haven't updated in a while. I'm back at home, and it's...well...home.

Is it the fall yet? Nothing wrong with the summer, but I don't live in this house, and it's only more apparent, the more my mom nags at me everyday about things I already have done or am in the process of doing.

This weekend was fantastic. I went and saw Spamalot, which was funny as hell. I met the guy that played Patsy, and he basically told me that after I graduate to move to Chicago, and he'll get me set up to start auditioning and such.
After that, I got dropped off at Mikey's for the party which I was kind of unsure of, because...well...I just was. It turned out to be a blast, I got to grill...which is something I don't do often, but I make one damn good burger. ^_^ Got to see Mikey, Greg, Pat, Jaime, Scotty, and a bunch of other people that I met. One of which being Ryan. He's adorable to boot. It started out with us both kind of avoiding eachother, and then when I was making burgers...he grabbed my ass. Long story short, we've talked at least once every day since then, and he is coming down to visit me this weekend. I'm excited!

Sunday consisted of going to Scotty's house. Seeing Julie, Mary, meeting Tom and Katie. (Love her to death, by the way.) We played a game called Apples to Apples, which I am in love with now, great game. Then Mary, Scotty, and I went to Steak n Shake..only the first one we went to...WAS CLOSED...WTF?!?!?! We left and angry note, and then went to a different one.

Today was awesome, had lunch at Panera with Scotty, Mary, and Katie. Then Scotty and I came back down to Bloomington/Normal. I love his new apartment. Then I had dinner, went to rehearsal for Beauty and the Beast, which I got cast in the chorus for...again. (Scotty, what I told you over the weekend about's so true, I'm scared for the show now) Then I came home and I am preparing for the possibility of starting my job tomorrow at which I'm getting paid ten dollars an hour to transcribe recorded phone calls.

Life right now=great
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