Pure: One {Bellatrix}

Jun 05, 2010 16:20

 Disclaimer: Nothing's mine but the plot!
Part One of my Sisters Black series!

The smell of mildew, rotted flesh, and salty waves had long since been lost on the eldest sister.

Day after day, night after night, she hung from the stone wall by the steel shackles that bound her. Sometimes she would sleep for days- she had forgotten the luxuries of food and drink long before she had received her sentence.

But she wasn’t miserable- she was never miserable because he would come for her. So she waited.

Dreams were the only variable in her life now, and she dreamt of many things- the reality of the world and that of her mind had begun to blur together as one.

Bella dreamt of her childhood- the strict, forceful hand of her father and the ravings of her society-driven mother. She dreamt of Andromeda, the traitor, and she barred her teeth in a vicious growl. She dreamt of little Narcissa and the many sleepless, peppermint-flavored nights of icy, feather-light fingertips over Bella’s desire-ridden flesh.

Sometimes she dreamt of hushed voices and flashes of bright green light and the ghosts of her victims and she would scream for hours and hours because no one could hear. But fear was not real- fear only existed in her dreams.

And sometimes she would dream of him and his striking features before the boy destroyed him. But he would return- he would return for Bella. Those dreams were her only source of pleasure through the fog of her childhood and her sins. She would wake up laughing hysterically to the ceiling, straining against the shackles, because they would suffer. They would be the first to go.

Eventually she would sink to the wet stone floor, weak and exhausted and unable to stand any longer. Her matted, raven-black hair would fall in front of her eyes and she would dream of her master once again.

And if you looked into those violet eyes, you could just vaguely see the love behind the madness- the love that provoked the madness.

Bella’s lips parted in a wide, serpentine grin.

“Master…I am ready.”

narcissa, insanity, pure, blackcest, love, bellatrix

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