Toujours Pur {Prologue}

Oct 16, 2010 21:09

Title: Toujours Pur
Author: themajoritylied
Disclaimer: Nothing's mine but the plot!
Pairing: Multiple, including Narcissa/Lily and Bella/Voldy =)
Rating: T
Summary: I decided to do a story based on my Pure series and made the first part of that into the prologue of this =) Please read and review!

Prologue: Prelude to a Broken Fairytale

They sit quietly- patiently. They are nothing alike, and yet everything, down to the last upturned nose and the limp, devil-may-care, ragdoll-like grace with which they walk, is the same.

They are the sisters Black.

The eldest, Bellatrix, is sprawled across the entirety of the white, alarmingly perfect sofa, not a care in the world as she stares at everything and nothing with those dark, heavily lined eyes. She wears a deep purple shadow that gives her the appearance of someone much older- more experienced. Her long, raven-black hair falls down to her midriff, with choppy bangs that fell haphazardly into her eyes- her eyes that are a violent shade of violet, as cold and dark as death.

The Beauty that would love the Beast.

Andromeda, the middle sister, is seated politely on one cushion, her ankles crossed. At first glance, one might mistake her for her older sister- the bone structure of their faces is almost identical. However, something is always missing- her eyes are softer, kinder, almost. But not quite.

The Sleeping Beauty who will pick the wrong prince.

The third and youngest sister, Narcissa, is positioned on the arm of the same sofa, leaning against Andromeda’s shoulder lazily. She looks nothing at all like either of her sisters, but if pressed, the ice in her eyes suggested that she will follow in the footsteps of her eldest sister. She has long, silvery-blonde hair that fell just below her tiny ribcage and cascaded across her face to the right in long, pristine layers. She has cold, sapphire eyes that could see through even the pettiest secrets- nothing is hidden from Narcissa, even at the tender age of seven.

She will be the fairest of them all.

Their lineage is pure and proud- the name of Black is revered and unstained by the bad blood that had corrupted the Wizarding World in the eyes of their ancestors.

They will live a life of blood and ashes, of traitors and heroes- it will become impossible to tell which is which. Thousands will be murdered during the rise of a man who was too far gone to be a man and still too human to be dubbed a monster. And they will be his servants and the name Black would be forever written in blue blood.

They are the aristocracy.

But who, of the three, will become queen?

Who, of the three, will become a traitor and who will become woven into an obsessive, eternally unrequited love that will be her demise?

Theirs is a tale interwoven with duplicity and ancestral rivalries- the tale of the blue-blooded Wizarding family whose name is anything but pure.

femslash, sisters black

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