Jun 29, 2009 15:19
This is not a drill.
This is not a joke.
And this could also be not right.
So Drive C: in our computer had WTF, just 807MB of space left so I had to commence disk cleanup. However, because of the 128MB RAM it takes a long time. In order to pass the time, I translated Arashi's new single, Everything. YAY!!! :3
It's my first translation EVAR.
by Arashi
通り雨が近づく 町のニオイは切なくて
As the rain was nearing the scent of the town became suffocating.
アスファルトに残した 影はいつもと違って見えた
The shadow left on the asphalt always changes once I've caught sight of it.
変わり続ける空は 揺れる心を映す様に
The ever-changing sky resembles my indecisive heart.
The world turns continuously at a quick pace.
The signal may have changed from red to green
But there's no good in turning back in the middle of a journey.
I want the tomorrow in which I believe to move forward
Alone in this sudden evening rain
I stop to look back but
There is no anxiety.
雨上がりの窓から 見える夕暮れの向日葵
From the window I see a sunflower twilight after the rain.
夕焼けに染められて 朝日を待ち続けるているんだ
It is the color of a sunset, the morning sun as it is waiting.
何が大切なのか 時に見失いそうだけど
What is the most important thing? Incidentally it seems that I don't lose sight of it
But I won't hand over the memories that I carry in my arms.
I will go on foot.
あざやかな青に染められた 未来は果てしない夢を描いたら
If the future that is vividly painted blue is described as an endless dream
乾いた心 潤して
Then a dried up heart will be moistened.
It is not limited to just that time.
強く胸に思いを刻み込んだ 陽はまた昇ってゆく
When the day ascends again, the strengthened feelings in your chest will be engraved all at once.
この長い坂を越える時 その先に何が見えたとしても
When you pass through this lengthy slope, even if it's the one that you saw first,
後悔はしたくない 光ともし続け 明日を照らして
It will not be regrettable. The light will continue shining tomorrow no matter what.
The signal may have changed from red to green
But there's no good in turning back in the middle of a journey.
I want the tomorrow in which I believe to move forward.
走れ走れ! 夢に手を伸ばすのさ
Run, run, towards the dream with your hand outstretched.
叫べ叫べ! 声の続く限り
Cry out, cry out continuously with your voice as much as possible
The feelings in your heart just as they are.
I had nothing to do with the kana. I forgot where I got it but it's from somewhere here in LJ I think. GAWD. I need memory-improving pills. Hey if you think it's yours then it's yours. I love you. <3 <3 <3
But anyway, yeah, the translation might be incorrect. I tried my absolute best though.
And no, I will not look at other translations. I want to avoid depression right now. Maybe next week? :))))))))))
And though I've read one translation I only remember one line, and I felt that it didn't sound right at all, so I'm also going to translate Tomadoi Nagara, my current Arashi song addiction. Uguuuuuu. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
And Yasashikute Sukoshi Baka, just because it's beyond cuteness comprehension. <3 <3 <3 <3
Back to abandoned schoolwork. *dies*