The height of Stupidity or something to make you go hhhmmm

Mar 04, 2008 19:44

The height of stupidity!

Student Leaves Ham Sandwich on Lunch Table Near Muslims ... Suspended for Hate Crime
Somali Muslim students highly offended, scarred for life
A middle school student in Lewiston, Maine is being investigated by the police for a possible hate crime after he placed a bag containing a ham sandwich on a table where Somali students eat lunch. According to the school's superintendent, Leon Levesque, the student has been suspended, and more disciplinary action could follow pending the outcome of the investigation . . . According to Superintendent Levesque, "the school incident is being treated seriously as a hate incident." Police are currently investigating the matter alongside the Center for the Prevention of Hate Violence, [which] is also working with the school to create an anti-ham "response plan." "We've got some work to do to turn this around and bring the school community back together again." Said Levesque, "These children have got to learn that ham is not a toy, and that there are consequences for being nonchalant about where you put your sandwich."

Although docile in nature, the ham sandwich is the natural predator of the Muslim middle-school student, often disguising itself as a lunch item until it can get close enough to the Muslim to consume its soul.


The absurdity of this incident validates the insanity in America today - banned words, etc. Now of course to collect evidence, the proximity of the infamous "ham sandwich" must also be considered - same table, or does the next table qualify, or same lunch room qualify as a "hate crime." Now lets look a little farther into this, the ham sandwich was INSIDE of a bag out of sight - duh - why not just grab the BAG and remove it - or did they have to not only open the bag and then HANDLE the sandwich to inspect the sandwich for the infamous "PIG" or did the bag or sandwich by ESP reek or shout out - PIG, PIG - run for your lifes. Who opened the bag and why? How was the sandwich determined to contain "ham?"

Now to take this a little farther, is a picture of a "pig" a hate crime. Inquiring sane minds want to know what would offend these people. Sorry, but consider me insensitive or not, enough is enough - either take MY country as it is with all of the good and bad, or get the hell out. I consider someone who categorizes me as me as an "infidel" in MY country and the corresponding beliefs associated with same, a threat to my life and my constitutional Republic.

When I was in high school with this type of total nonsense, probably very few students would have graduated and then to expand this action into - they "probably felt" is waaaayyyy over the top, to wit:

"Placing ham where Muslim students were eating as an awful thing," said Stephen Wessler, the executive director of the Center for Prevention of Hate Violence. "It's extraordinarily hurtful and degrading. They probably felt like they were back in Mogadishu starving and being shot at. No child, Muslim or normal, should have to endure touching a ham sandwich." And "scarred for life." I have a suggestion - go back home, at least you weren't "scarred for life" - right?

If I came from a county such as is described in REALITY, I would adapt to the NEW COUNTRY and IT"S CUSTOMS and thank the creator every day of my life to be here, but no, I must bring along my old country's customs and my belief and TRANSFORM the new country into Islam or some other religion - sorry, Christian people were here first and you will adapt to MY country, with the PRIVILEGE secured to worship pet rocks if desired.

Lets see now, I know that the police are members of a paramilitary group and have no public office of a civil nature. They dress differently, but act like the Nazi Gestapo and have humiliated me over and over on the public byways with up eight Gestapo armed with glocks in which I was in really in fear for my life - Now if this doesn't qualify as a hate crime against us "constitutionalists" as they like to call me, I would like to know what is a "hate crime." Damn that Constitution and those inalienable rights and the Declaration of Independence that states same.

Unbelievable Bull S....................

Now to take this a little farther, they can't enter into a grocery store or any restaurant, etc where ham, sandwiches, etc are displayed or consumed - right - this would be an insult to them. BS!
Now to take this a little farther, demand that all restaurants, groceries stores, and all other establishments have posted on the outside in large signs that PIGS are consumed or sold within and mark all areas with what is to be determined the closest distance that these Muslims can be without it being a "hate crime", consuming their alleged souls or offending Islam. Hoo - haa, we are on our way to total insanity and the complete overthrow of our constitutional Republic for Islam!

What is the religion in the majority of the countries with all of the terrorists and unrest today have in common? Muslim, or Islam or whatever the distinction is, if any.

Sorry, no cigar here folks.
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