Fashion (I'm sick of it)

Aug 28, 2008 22:32

I hate those reality TV shows where some fashion guru tells the world your actual clothes suck but thanks to his magic touch, he'll change you into a "sophisticated woman".

I mean, I just saw one and I'm sick. It hurt me deeply because the girl was so similar to me in her fashion sense (fun and cute!), and I don't think I dress badly (strangely, perhaps, but isn't the point of fashion of expressing yourself?). Not loving sexy or boring cuts/colors isn't a sin, right? Yet the designer literally bulldozed her to the ground. She wasn't grown-up, mature, professional-looking, adult, sophisticated enough. "No one is going to take you seriously if you dress like that", he told. I felt so enraged. Nobody should feel forced to share your ideal of what a woman should dress like.

Yet after a moment, all I could feel was despair, filling my lungs like a mist. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe "expressing and feeling good about yourself" is just bullshit they tell you to sell their stuff. Maybe what only matters is what people see of you and what they will think in .5 seconds. Maybe I should just get black and grey tailors for my work and a red bra to seduce a guy.

I feel cornered by invisible eyes.
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