Catch up...

Dec 13, 2011 10:01

So it's been a while since I last posted anything. I don't think that much has happened of note (to me) though. There was a rather chilled out IFIS xmas dinner the other night. I bought a new pair of shoes; it only took them a short while before they'd gouged a chunk out of one of my ankles.

I also bought some new jeans too. This possibly isn't that amazing, except that one of the pairs was a size smaller than I've been getting recently. What is amazing, is that the smaller pair actually fit. A little snuggly, but compared to the constant threat of having my jeans end up around my ankles as I walk down the street, I think this is somewhat preferable.

I went clubbing on Friday (in the new shoes and jeans). Aside from a couple of tracks I couldn't get my head around, the music was very good and I danced the night away. Amazingly, my feet were still usable afterwards (for walking purposes), although I did have the aforementioned ankle woe. Normally after clubbing my feet feel like I've hit the soles with a meat tenderiser, so I'm guessing my new shoes are a really good fit for me?

I've played a tonne of Wurm too. Mostly my recent efforts have been to build a road up the side of the hill/mountain that midnightschilde's little patch of land lives on, cos the normal route to her place has been blocked by someone building a house. Building this road is not a trivial matter. It involves building a dirt ramp to reduce the gradient of the hill/mountain to something that mere mortals can walk up. Which means digging up a large amount of dirt, transporting it to the ramp and dropping it. This takes more time than it should because when I dig up dirt, it goes into my inventory. I then have to move it into my cart cos I can't carry that much dirt. I can't then drop it from the cart, I have to put it back into my inventory first before I can drop it.

I have been supernerdy/OCD and made a spreadsheet that details how high up the hill/mountain is at every point on the way up, how high up I want each point to be and the difference. It's very fiddly to update though, so I'm going to up the nerd factor and make a webpage that makes it easier to keep track of things.
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