(no subject)

Dec 20, 2010 11:15

Pretty uneventful weekend due to the snow. The LA Confidential game got cancelled cos a lot of players aren't local and were stuck in their respective parts of the world. Which along with the no-mortal game means a very low amount of roleplaying this month - just the poorly attended London game last week.

The snow hasn't really impacted me other than that. I treked out to Tescos to marvel at the lack of bread and get some thing to eat. The social gathering that replaced the Mortal game wasn't difficult to get to either, although some muppet on my road had decided that the best way to deal with snow is to pour easily freezable liquids all over it and turn it into a large patch of ice. But that it's only outside one house, so it's easily avoidable.

In fact things are running so great, I've even managed to get in to work :(

And I've been very slack and not built a snow-thing yet either.
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