Feb 27, 2006 21:26
I don't know if anyone even really cares or checks or anything, but I thought I'd just post something really quick because of how incredible I feel. I had one of the most amazing weekends I can remember and nothing that much actually happened, lol. More or less it was incredible on the emotional basis. I've fallen so greatly for someone that my very thoughts are speechless at times. Laying next to her seeing that expression she has on her face, her deep blue eyes, dark hair, her very scent and the gentle touch I feel strangely affect me differently then I ever have before. Something is so very different, and I'm not afraid, rather in awe. I can't say I believe in love at first site, but I had a feeling about her when I met her; something deep touched me. Anyone who reads this (if anyone even does) may think oh what pitiful stuff, but surely they are the very feelings beating through my heart.