Noble Gas

Mar 24, 2005 20:57

He... Helium.
You scored 32 Mass, 25 Electronegativity, 42 Metal, and 70 Radioactivity!

That's odd, our tests indicate that you did not just take this test. In fact, we're not even sure you exist. Oh, wait, no, somebody just found indirect evidence of you in the deep Earth and in the Sun. Okay, so you're real, but man, you need to get out more. Actually, you're pretty cool, always doing your own thing, but we kinda wish that you would interact with us a bit more. On a positive note, I think some research lab in Berkeley has managed to put you into a psuedo-stable relationship that, if you're kept very cold, you won't walk away from... or maybe that was Xenon. I forget.

My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

You scored higher than 31% on Mass

You scored higher than 30% on Electroneg

You scored higher than 27% on Metal

You scored higher than 93% on Radioactivity
Link: The Which Chemical Element Am I Test written by effataigus on Ok Cupid

Ok, so maybe the person who wrote this was kind of an ass in there description, but I suppose they can be forgiven, after all, they are a chemist. Whatever, I'm still a Noble Gas! Take that Zinc boy! Just kidding.
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