(no subject)

Dec 29, 2016 01:00

I found out earlier this week that someone I admired greatly on lj committed suicide over a month ago.

I only just noticed because I rarely log on. She was pretty much the only reason why I kept checking back. I don't want to go into much because her close friends have already written many touching posts about her.

One thing I will say is that's she was a great cat lover and the reason why I started fostering cats. So as a tribute I'm just going to post about my cats.

Not my first kitty, but the one I think she would have gotten a kick out of.

Pepper is my smallest and newest cat. She's only about 8 pounds. Her body though small is like a normal adult. She has a tiny head (I've had foster kittens with bigger heads) and giant eyes. Sometimes when I stare at her giant eyes I can't help but wonder how much room they take up and how tiny her brain must be. She's not quite right.

Her nickname is Demon Kitty.

I've had her for about 3 years. I got her when she was about 6 months old. A friend of a friend found her living under her carport in Florida. She was supposed to be a foster but she quickly became a permanent cat. Mainly because she's too weird to find a person for.

She's not truly feral as she isn't that afraid of humans. She just has random feral tendencies.

The first year I had her if I pet her she would shudder like my touch was disgusting. And she would let out angry hell screams.

Second year she finally admitted to enjoying being pet and no longer shuddered like I carried a horrible stench. I could also pick her up and she wouldn't struggle. She would just let out angry growls. And slow blink at me. While growling.

Recently she's been climbing into my lap. This has happened a total of 4 times since I've had her. She's very happy to be there and purrs when I pet her. But she really hates it when I move. The other day I started laughing while she was laying on my stomach because she was being ridiculous and she was so displeased. The more I laughed and shook her the angrier she got. I'll have to upload the video. She's ridiculous. So very cute though.

She also has this thing where sometimes she won't eat her food. So you have to pet her until she feels happy enough to eat. But once she starts eating you can't keep petting her because she doesn't like it while she's eating. So you have to pet, then stop, and pet again if she stops. It's a very delicate process.

Also sometimes when she's very happy about being pet and you stop she will get angry and growl and hiss at you for stopping.

Her favorite person in the world is my male roommate. She runs to him whenever he comes home. She expresses her love by loudly yelling at him.

She's my little demon cat but I think every year she learns how to be a little more normal.

Sorry for the long post. Doing this on the mobile app and I don't know if you can add cuts using it.

my cats, pepper

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