More kitty pictures

Nov 21, 2011 21:48

Ahaha, I pretty much never have anything to say. So, when I'm update I guess it's about my cats.

Mocha's a climber/jumper.

To get up there, she jumps from the TV stand to the bookshelf, and then from the bookshelf up to the beam. To get down she jumps onto the bookshelf, and then to the kitchen table (quite a far jump).

I discovered this one day when I heard some really odd sounds of a kitty dashing around. I know what it sounds like when they're just running around the hardwoods--this was very different. Then I looked up. It looked like she was having the time of her life. When she came down by jumping onto the table, you could tell she was going, "WHEE!!!"

Since Murphy saw her go up there, he'll get on top of the bookcase, and stand up to try to look up there. He can't quite bring himself to jump though.

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