Hehe cats.

Jul 30, 2011 04:45

I love how when my cats are grooming each other, while it's wildly cute, it's less, "we're grooming and cuddling yay!" and more "God, stay STILL you fucker!" "Clean my ears!" "STOP MOVING YOU'RE RUINING THE MOMENT!" And then it degenerates into a fight.

Right now they're staring at each other. Mocha is looking pissed cause she wants to groom Murphy and be groomed. Murphy is occasionally kicking at her cause he can't stay still and wants to play fight. Sometimes Mocha flops on him and is like, "STAY STILL YOUR EARS ARE DIRTY, YOU HEATHEN."

And she just left in a huff.

I ♥ my cats.

This entry was originally posted at http://themadfish.dreamwidth.org/185297.html
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