So I decided to do this:
30 day drawing challenge.1. Self Portrait
2. Imaginary Friend
3. Most Recent Dream
4. Re-Design Book Cover
5. Childhood Memory
6. Whats in Your Bag?
7. Hybrid Animal
8. Scene From a Movie
9. Siamese Twins
10. Super Hero
11. Super Villain
12. An Elderly Person
13. A Freakin’ Baby
14. Portrait of a Pet
15. A Dinosaur
16. Draw Something with Your Eyes Closed
17. A Delicious Food
19. Sea Creature
20. Your Dream Job
21. A Guilty Pleasure
22. Favorite Cartoon Character
23. Actor/Actress
24. A Collage
25. Best Friend
26. Instrument
27. Something w/ Sentimental Value
28. Your Zodiac Sign
29. The Meaning of Your Name
30. Favorite Outfit
Day 1:
So, this is really only an outline. I want to do more, but, uh, I got a raid. I think I got most of it worked out. Feel free point out anything that doesn't look right. It's supposed to me doing my 'wft' face but didn't quite get it. I may or may not have made myself prettier. XD
I'll probably mostly do line art for the challenge, and go back and redo the stuff I end up liking.