The Megans are coming, the Megans are coming!

Apr 08, 2009 09:49

Well, it's official: I've finally made the decision to just jump in and commit to the trip to England at the end of April into May. Megan S. has just left on a bit of a world tour (Australia to be in Pat & Jackie's wedding, Indonesia to visit her sister, England because she can) and we decided to meet up when she gets to London. We're staying there for a bit and then hopping about the southern bits of the country, but the whole time we're staying with camp friends (yay for free accommodations!). I didn't know if it would be economically responsible for me to go at the moment, but after considering my priorities and thinking about when I'd be able to do this awesome thing again (um, never), I decided that heck yes I could swing it and all signs are go.

I booked my British Airways flight on Monday; I'll be flying out of Philly the night of April 26, then coming back to Philly on Cinco de Mayo (that's May 5 for all of you who don't habla Espanol).  I'll be in London from Monday the 27th, and we are going to stay with a friend there (Meredith) until Thursday morning, when we are going down to visit a friend near Brighton (Lois).  On Friday we'll head over to Bath to stay with Jonny for the weekend, and then he is bringing us back to the London area on Sunday or Monday.  We'll be there until we fly out Tuesday, May 5. We'll be visiting with other folks too--definitely Phil, possibly Tom, Stewart, Carlos, others? Oh and Rachel will of course be with Jonny. Thar be the tentative plan, copied almost directly from Megan's email.

The touristy bits are going to be the best. I actually really don't like the feeling of being a tourist, but I'm going to fight that urge and be as touristy as safely possible. We're hoping to hit up the Tower of London, the Globe, John Wesley's grave or somesuch thing related to him and the birth of Methodism,  Stonehenge, Jane Austeny type things and the Roman Baths in Bath, the beach at Brighton [yes we realise it's England and icky, but Jane Austen characters mention holiday at Brighton; Megan's secretly hoping to pick up a sketchy soldier husband there who will eventually run off and abandon her, like that one sister of Elizabeth Bennett in Pride and Prejudice (the original, not the one with zombies)], and loads of other things that history and literature nerds are interested in.

Oh, and be prepared upon my return for a photojournal depicting the adventures of Susan and Belay. We are, of course, taking our animal companions with us (a cow and a moose, respectively) and plan to take plenty of silly photos. I'm most looking forward to the pair using the rocks at Stonehenge as a bench and perhaps pretending to be beheaded at the Tower. Those two get into the most ridiculous situations, you know.
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