Two months in a nutshell

Sep 23, 2008 14:14

oh well golly it's been a while. let's see what's going on... camp is obviously over. it was a decent summer, not my favourite by FAR, but overall fun and campy. Things were just really different and it seemed as though a lot of stuff went wrong or I had little hellions for campers. finally got to work day camp (no marching band = no band camp = free time in august....what the heck is that?!), which was cool. after that was officially over, Megan S, Jonny, and I went on a roadtrip to Florida. we went to Williamsburg, spent a lot of time in the Outer Banks due to Tropical Storm Fay delaying our plans, popped down to Charleston for a night, then continued down to Vero Beach and Gainesville Florida for a weekend. Lots of camping, saw some friends (yay Ally and Chris!), pestered Megan and Jonny from the back seat, listened to loads of "chuuuuunes!" (aka tunes aka good songs) and a bit more of Les Mis than I could take, and generally had a blast. Weee!

Came back and worked on the challenge course at Pecometh a few days, then started back at NorthBay for an ill-fated 2 weeks. Things were looking good: the whole place seemed a bit more organised, the new counselors were a heck of a lot nicer and more social than many of those from last year who had left over the summer, and I was almost excited to be back. Long story short, second week of campers rolls around and I had plans to go to NY with Megan S to see Wicked for her birthday. SWEET, eh?! It totally rocked my socks--erm, would have, had I been wearing any; I forgot them and as a result got ouchy blisters on my heels--and I had an amazing time exploring NYC with the ShitamaMama. Bad news: confusion with time-off requests and my lackadaisical response to "why aren't you at work right now" phonecalls led to an untimely "termination of [my] working relationship with NorthBay." This is, of course a very simplified explanation, but really it was only partially my fault and a severe overreaction on their part, involving the need for a scapegoat to cover their big, disorganised butts. Let me clarify and say that I still like NorthBay. I admire their mission and have respect for their staff, and of course I would still love to be working there. I am not bad-mouthing them out of spite; as most of you know, I have had complaints about them from the beginning. However, they need to get their act together. They're on the right path, but more improvements could--and should--be made soon.

And now you're up to date! I'm sure there were other little things that I would have written about were this not a crash-course of the last two months, but oh well. Since being *cringe* fired last Thursday, I've been half-heartedly job searching and knitting like a fiend. Mostly though, I've been cleaning and organising my room. It's been a wreck times ten since camp ended, and while I cannot control many of the things which impact my life on a daily basis, I CAN control the cleanliness of my living space. In that spirit, I spent all of Saturday and Sunday putting stuff away, getting rid of things I no longer wanted, recycling an endless stream of papers I found lurking in every crevice of my room, and finally working on photo albums of the college years (which I finished up last night--hoorah!) and camp (which I plan to start this evening). So, despite my lack of a job, I feel quite pleased and accomplished. Yay.
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