My thoughts today....

May 02, 2009 23:55

  • 09:54 ME is not the same as CFS - no need to read whole long article, just the Introduction: - very interesting...
  • 10:23 > @the_swine_flu: HEALTH TIP: Those "flu masks" cause herpes. #swineflu #h1n1 - mwahaha! ;)
  • 10:33 Dominatrix - Fastlane into the Abyss Ultimate Descent Mix 5.37.mp3
  • 10:33 It was inevitable. Having the "2nd day crash" #fibro #RA. Pain just about everywhere, but especially in feet + arms. Will need cane today.:(
  • 10:36 oh, and the Dominatrix, Fastlane into the Abyss tweet was just a test using It´s one of my old tunez recorded in c. 2003...
  • 12:49 Better do siesta now - later got to meet lady I met via, whose epileptic cat I will be lookin after nxt mnth
  • 16:49 Off to meet lady for catsitting chat. After taking a diclofenac plus rest, foot pain now bearable, won´t need cane to walk after all. :D
  • 21:42 - Foot pain, adieu! Bought these spongey rubbery purple CROCS today. Expensive (54€), but foot pain bye-bye!!!
  • 21:45 - Slightly manipulated but beautiful close up of Spider. He is such a handsome tabby boy.
  • 21:47 - And another stunning photo of Spider with Puerto del Carmen in the background...
Saying what I wanna say with LoudTwitter
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