Sep 05, 2006 23:04 starts tomorrow and already my siblings are setting up their "ah, I don't feel good" acts
like my brother has a bathroom problem (where he will have to be in there for like a hour) and it happened a lot during the school year (where he would miss atleast 3 days of school a WEEk) and what do you know....once summer came, it went away didn't see him in the bathroom for hours or hear him complaining about it ...but now he just went in there and is trying to use that excuse
god, my mom is so stupid or I guess lazy ... i think she has a mental problem and needs med or something. She went out to meet this guy that called her up and at first she said he was 74 and one of her moms friends but really ...its her first boyfriend and its 11 at night and she hasn't came home from visiting him ....and she didn't register my brother today at Kellogg to see what grade he's going to be in....and lately she's been really weird....she complains about my dad not giving her money but i mean even though she's his wife, he shouldn't have to give it to her ...she doesn't really clean the house at all anymore, doesn't really do much .....i mean i am trying to tell her she needs to get a job and she was talking to me today about when she spent the kids school money on herself and trying to justify it by saying like "oh, i'm his wife ....he doesn't give me money. I can spend it..." but i am like "MOM! that was foor YOUR KIDS SCHOOL Clothes and supplies"
and ugh....she is one-tracked ....and i am just really annoyed with her ....