A developmental hiccup!!!

May 04, 2010 20:36

Okay, so Capital Hill's a no go, but we'll hopefully find something soon. But gosh, we were terribly close... I really don't want my bosses to get overly frustrated and fire our broker. Yikes.

So, 6 days off to gallivant with visiting family and friends... and just get everything that needs to be done, well, DONE. Started today with overhauling the closet and getting rid of clothes I don't wear anymore. Tomorrow I will be writing letters to a couple of people I haven't seen in a while... maybe call some of my old friends from Whidbey Island to see where their life has taken them.

I was intending on writing my dad a letter, but they are moving him soon to a lower security prison somewhere in California. Who knows, maybe he'll be out sooner for better behavior. It's not that I'm anxious to see him... and it's not like I'm mad at him. I'm just a little shy when it comes to people I don't know very well. Not to mention he's become hyper Christian... almost seemingly to the point of disabling him to function in the real world. I really hope he gets into a church or something so he can be a minister. I mean, that's really his only bet to getting back into society where they will accept him. I'm not a Christian by any means, but I think if you do good for your community that you will not only look good to the public, but also feel good about yourself. At least he'd have a place to stay. The point is, they're moving him, so I am unable to send anything until I know his new address. His birthday's coming up too.

Alex will hopefully be starting school in the summer... hopefully find himself a stable job. He's been really back and forth with the school district and Parkwood's got him doing bitch work on the grounds. Our bosses here are wanting us to do some landscaping work... the only problem is that it's been raining like crazy so there's no time for grass to dry or for poison to set on the weeds. It's always something. I'm hoping that if he manages to get full-time work from the school district, goes to the community college, and we stay at the apartment for a few years, we can have a nice down payment on a house. Great success.

Here's hoping... and man it'd be great to pay off the vehicles quickly.

My new goal is to not talk so much about work when I'm home. It doesn't bother my audience, but I get kind of embarrassed when I complain about it.

I also should cut down on how much I talk about people. Ugh.

In other news, I've been planning for opening a small business. Either a pizza parlor or a laundromat/internet cafe. I just... eh. I think I've exhausted this thought enough to people.

I need to go in for my Master's. There's some kind of test I have to do to qualify for the program, and I've found myself plumb stupid... at least when it comes to literature. I need to just make a book list and plow through everything... preparing me for this little exam. I want to get in sometime next year. Oh jeez, I should probably try to get some letters of recommendation as well before my teachers forget me. Provided I have a masters in my field, I'll be able to work in community colleges.

And then when I think about it... I'm the kind of person that likes to create multiple options for myself. I kind of feel good about that. Let's see, I want to start a small business, I want to teach community college, I want to become a stand-up comedian, I want to be a real-estate broker, I want to make a successful Sunday comic strip... all are do-able. And I can make them do-able. I like goals. Goals are good. I have a good 80 more years to go nuts.
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