Mar 28, 2006 23:03
Sometimes i wonder why people can't see the way, or the path. I know that sounds a but presumptuous but i don't mean it like that, i mean it in the most basic of ways. Laura is watching global news, they are talking about gun violence, and it seems that every ones solution to all this is more police and "cracking down" on gun violence and gangs. When has that ever worked? I know it's not as simple as i'm making it out to be but can't they see that if we just cared, i mean honestly cared and listened to people, and helped people, that that would make more of a difference than any increase in police or policing could ever do?
It's the same with native issues. The former governor-general mentioned this very concept today on cbc radio, we dont' listen, no one does, no one goes 'what's that, that's what you want? ok.' MP's and MPP's and city council and you name it, they all just gloss over what we all have to say, what we all want. And i think it stems back to the very heart of of society, T.V. Now i must admit, i watch and am entertained by T.V., but i don't swallow everything, i think for myself, and i've mentioned this before but it seems so simple, just think and you can get through most things. That's the problem, we don't think, so we don't react, we don't voice ourselves, and therefore the people in power don't listen, they dictate. They aren't representatives anymore.
Laura's brother and her sisters boyfriend have been attending a protest on the reserve over a land claim the natives have. There is a development going in there and six nations people are claiming that the land belongs to them (which i've only recieved information from one side, but laura's dad seems to really know his stuff so i'm going to accept that what he says is true). Do you know what the one thing they are requesting is? The one thing that they are saying must happen if this development is finished? That they respect the earth and follow their environmental standards in order to protect the earth for generations to come? How dare they!?!
Sorry that was sarcastic.
And we're fighting this, threatening to arrest them, wasting all their time, wasting all our tax dollars policing this situation, potentially wasting our tax dollars arresting, processing, jailing (not sure if that's a word) and then releasing them.
What the fuck is wrong with us? Why don't we listen, and go 'you know what, that's a great idea, Mr. developer, you better respect the earth.' I don't understand what we're doing. We're so concerned with who's land it is, did this treaty happen, did this happen that we lose track of the fact that six nations is asking for something very basic...respect.
Back to my original point. Instead of trying to find a new treatment for something, or better yet a cure, why not prevent it from happening in the first place? Instead of policing gangs, and guns, why not get rid of the situations that start them in the first place? Why not think a little for a change. Try to consider some things? I'm not perfect, and i'm not expecting anyone to be, but don't be ignorant. Don't not listen.
Oh and one more point.
If you buy a historical building, kick the YMCA out, turn it into the cash grab that is student housing, recieve grant money to do so DON'T FUCKING PUT ALUMINUM SIDING OVER THE BEAUTIFUL BRICK!!!!!!!!
Sorry i'm mad.