Feb 20, 2006 23:04
i don't know what to say.
life is great and i really shouldn't complain.
so i don't think i will.
i miss people.
in a general sense, i haven't really felt the presence of anyone other than laura in a while, i've been too busy, too tired, too occupied when i'm around others to really hear them. i miss kind people.
laura was thinking about friend tonight, about people, about how we should all express how interesting we really are, we should share more, talk more, think more.
i love you, laura most, but all of you as well.
i'm sorry if i've been a grouch (sp?)
do you find that as you grow older, your dreams and outlook on your life seem to evolve from thinking you'll be the leader, the savior into a more grounded idea, you become more a member of the community, doing his part to make this world a better place?
i do.