Another Drive-by New Doll Posting (Anita/SID Luna)

May 28, 2012 18:03

Oh look, a Luna.

I've had Luna before...the rose gray one. I wasn't a fan. Not of her face, which actually I am very fond of (I think I'm in the minority), there's just something about that smirkiness of hers that I adore. But the gray and the EID body wasn't doing it for me so she left. Then they released the special SID Edition, but that wasn't the right time. Recently I was wanting another SID girl and suddenly had an "Aha! Luna!" moment, so I ordered her.

Very rarely does a doll (of my own) ever have a plan/concept/character when I sit down to paint them...I kinda wing it and let the sculpt dictate how it wants to come out, but this time I had a plan going in. And I'm pleased to report that she came out exactly how I had envisioned her...right down to her wig. Which I am also pleased as punch at myself for not screwing up when I cut it. Win-win for the day.

The only thing not final is lack of body blushing and she stole Winston's urethane eyes until I can order her some.

More pics in her Flickr set HERE

anita, iplehouse, faceups, sid luna

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