everyone, I have an announcement to make:

Mar 10, 2009 14:54

The likelihood that I will be moving to San Diego in September to attend UCSD has just increased from 90% to 99.9999999%. I have yet to send in my official acceptance to them, because I am being a good UW COM dept loyalist and giving them until April 15th to tell me whether or not they have miraculously found funding for me. But honestly. I am going to San Diego. Regardless.

This both excites and scares me. I keep looking at apartment ads, as if I were moving in a month instead of six. Sigh. I found a beautiful two-bedroom apartment on the busline to campus for $1050 and I want it badly. There is a pool and a gym and a community entertainment room! Joe's coming with me. We want a dog. I've potentially convinced Geneva to come, too.

But now all it's all I can think about and I'm getting really impatient with the minutia of everyday life. Like homework and papers and thesis crap.

On the bright side, my team won second place at triva last night.

Discovered by the Germans in 1904, they named it San Diego, which of course in German means a whale's vagina...
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