Feb 08, 2009 18:20

Two by two, a pair, a match, a set. Salt and pepper. No logical reasoning or explanation or physical possibilities that creatures of their size and mass could exist naturally on this planet.

So unnaturally. From outer space? Extra terrestrials that are of inhuman nature and origin, unlikely but possible, outside this solar system's reach, outside the galaxy, maybe even.

She's a long long way from home, and she brought friends. One now, maybe more. Could be breeding, planet was destroyed, sent to recover.

Doesn't seem likely, why would we still be alive?

A flood could be coming. Two by two, onto the ark. The equations and ideology of the myth can't be quantified, still can't find any sense in them. No way to fit that many animals, no way to fit her and her pepper.

We're going to need a bigger boat.

the bible is silly, cloverfield, science brain, waxing crazy

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