Mar 18, 2009 16:42
In a society where slavery isnt truly revealed to us, we have to take a look at fundamental systems in place that serve as our masters. We are each born into this world unfree. All land whether ownable or not in principle, is definitely owned by any mundane standard we care to use to describe it. Every human requires two things just to sustain life at a basic level.
Food, and shelter.
If all land is owned, then how are we to provide ourselves with food and shelter other than to work for the masters who already own the land or require money for using it?
Our society has systems already in place, to provide luxurious wealth to the fewer people who already have it, by taking it from the majority of people who will never get it. When someone claims that capitalism is based from hard work, they arent the ones having to do the work. Capitalism, isnt the production of good ideas by competition. It is the ransom of good ideas for profit. I think instead of rewarding people for finding ways to take advantage of others, we should understand others' discomforts, and work together to alleviate them.
Thats just a few things i wanted to say.