★ Reborn Translations
shiroro has translated the Reborn novels and Drama CDs
here. The translations are locked at
at_mark, which means that you'll need to request her to add you
onemanga KHR scanlations . all locked posts
A friendly note: These posts are friends-locked to the communities that they're posted on. You'll need to join these communities to view them. (I'd say they're worth it, but that's completely up to you?)
★ - highly recommended
Varia FST: Seven Deadly Sins on
fst (locked)
Me and the Older Brother: Mukuro as Tsuna's adopted Niisan doujinshi. G, COMPLETELY ADORABLE.
Part 2 comes with predatory!Mukuro and Hibari and Tsuna eating watermelons. ♥ (locked)
Gokudera-Tsuna doujinshi Part 1: where Bianchi goes, "You are Hayato's happiness. Killing you would take his happiness away." And Part 2:
I love your kindness, Tenth. (Pretty much G) (locked)
Ti Voglio Bene: incredibly sweet gen Gokudera/Tsuna doujin that's in a style very similar to the Reborn mangaka's. Amazing. ♥ LOVE AND LANGUAGE in Italian.
Hibari/Tsuna doujinshi - "I don't need anyone but you, Tsunayoshi." (locked)
★ (for lolarity)
Hibari/Tsuna/Mukuro doujinshi. It's Hibari/Tsuna and Mukuro/Tsuna, but TO SAY HOW WOULD BE A SURPRISE.
Hibari/Tsuna + Mukuro doujinshi. Dark Angel!Tsuna doujin.
Xanxus/Tsuna recs スパナ:
is that (really) a spanner in your pocket, you sexy lollipop man; OR SPANNERWORKS
Coded for
Spanner icons raigekiworks's
Spanner icons I liked
dodgerscrubs PedoWeeaboo Challenge here. (and gotta love that 'sexy lollipop man' tag!)
xjigokushoujox has some
Spanner icons here.
coloured Spanner manga art.
It can't
CURE me.