I know I am behind on comments, but I HAVE TO SAY THIS:
HANNA IS NOT A BOY'S NAME UPDATED (site link, with info),
DeviantArt link (I read it for the discussion).
... I CALL CASIMIRO/HANNA. :D :D :D I love the shots where Cas is looming over Hanna, I think I may have a new icon in the works. Also I love love love the silhouette page where Casimiro's totally doing a hipthrust in Hanna's direction. NO I MEAN LOOK OKAY.
... Cas, why you gotta be such (... okay, why in the hell did I type K for the last letter instead of H?) a d!ck?! (... that spelling error, not intentional I swear.)
... also that last panel with Hanna, Zombie and Veser? ... I think I have a NEW OT3. Also:
Hanna: Back up. I have no idea what is going on.
Veser: :E We have realised this.
Site update's got a
Hanna UStream Link, with a stream scheduled for Friday, March 12th, 2010 at 9:30AM Central. ... the last time I watched one I felt like a STALKER EXTRAORDINAIRE, so not sure if I will do it again, but it is FUN I tell you.
Also met
half_sleeping and
baseballidiot for lunch (during which there were many utterances by me along the lines of "THIS IS NOT HAPPENING", "WHY ARE WE HAVING THIS CONVERSATION", et al);
half_sleeping says she makes EPIC PLANS FOR VENGEANCE and never carries them out, whereas I make EPIC PLANS OF NICENESS and then do carry them out without saying a word about them. This had to do with me sending those gorgeous
Hanna!Valentine postcards to, well, pretty much everybody I wanted to read the comic and whose address I had (so I donated more for February because that's kind of what I was saying thank you for, also because someone else I know got into the comic and it made me SUPER HAPPY), but more about that another time. (also rofl realised that the printing shop printed them with the name of the picture on the reverse side, so the back says things like "conbat.jpg", okay I shut up now). Oh wait no I'm not done, here are Tessa's
unfinished sketches for the second batch of unfinished Valentine's Day cards. (She put it on Twitter sometime back, I am so not going back there to find that tweet.)
p.s. some angel on
hinabn has consolidated a list of
character information based on the monstrous "Ask the Characters a Question" post; also eheheheh for
those + Sam who think I am not unlike Hanna:
Hanna Data:
Star sign is Sagittarius
Mainly has his glasses for reading, he can see without them, too (later he claimed his vision was pretty bad without them). Had his glasses since he was 7 (later claimed 5)
Likes Dresden Files (but really OF COURSE HE WOULD, DUH)
Likes oolong tea with gobs of honey (according to {...}, so much honey there's barely any tea)
/ shamefaced guilt forever but really Hanna honey does not belong in oolong tea, yuck that ruins the flavour utterly.