fouenpassant tagged me for the handwriting meme, and the last time I did one was
two years ago (omg), so it was HIGH TIME I did one again.
That One Handwriting Meme
1. Write your username.
2. Write your 2 favourite bands/groups of the moment.
3. Write something you ♥, aka lemme see your heart.
4. Write the name of your favourite person of all time.
5. Write the name of your recent favoured person.
6. Tag 6 people to do this meme
The Six People I have tagged for it ARE:
achenleck has beautiful drop-dead gorgeous handwriting.
OKAY they are
achenleck, and
But please feel free to do this meme if it catches your fancy, I didn't tag some of you because I know you are already doing memes/otherwise occupied/might not have scanner access; similarly for those who have been tagged up there, it's 100% optional, if you're busy or don't have scanner/picture uploading access/lying in a ditch somewhere (p.s. if you are, I'm WORRIED)!
... I was gonna post my answers for the other EXTREMELY LONG-ASS MEME OVER HERE, but THIS post's already taking up so much space, it will have to be in another entry.