I have decided I will explode if I do not make this post

Nov 17, 2008 22:36

I do not strictly have the time to make this post (would have done it over the weekend, but guess who was perched on a ladder reviewing sixty-five arch files in two days?), but if I don't do it now I may never do it (seeing as how the release of the next Reborn chapter will probably change everything all over again.

When Reborn Chapter 218 was released, ironically enough: I was at a concert and then out for drinks, and got home past midnight and therefore missed the first explosions all over the Internet, but! baseballidiot texted me while I was out with, "HAVE YOU SEEN THE LATEST CHAPTER" and I was, "OH GOD I am out and nowhere near an Internet connection, TELL ME EVERYTHING."

So IT WAS DONE, and there were DECLARATIONS OF LOVE and ETERNAL GRATITUDE and you can see how it goes.
one song to describe the way I feel about

Another tricky little gun
Giving solace to the one
That will never see the sunshine
Another inch of your life sacrificed for your brother,
In the nick of time
Another dirty money heaven sent honey
Turning on a dime

Well, a door left open
A woman walking by
A drop in the water
A look in the eye
A phone on the table
A man on your side
Someone that you think that you can trust
is just
Another Way to Die
Alicia Keys and Jack White

So just as I did for Spanner, I'll hold my breath for a while longer, but until then:

THIS. is REALLY important.

Three Precious Things That Didn't Make It Into the English Translation

This is not translation failure: it's merely that the English language has no equivalent for it:


See what Irie called Tsuna there?
"Sawada Tsunayoshi-kun".

ohgod the love I cannot even begin to describe it.


oh my God Irie you want to go and ruffle his hair, don't you? Don't you.

Then Irie goes and calls the rest of the Vongola:
"Family no minna-san".



Irie calls the Vongola kimi-tachi when he tells them that he's been waiting for them.

Notice that for the English language, you is both plural and singular,
so when Irie says "I've been waiting for you",
he really is saying, "I've been waiting for all of you."


Kimi-tachi twice.

(I am so full of heartheartheart at how he calls himself boku).

Hilariously! The Chinese translation has "I'm your ally" quite literally translated as, "I'M ON YOUR SIDE." ... EXCEPT IN LITERAL CHINESE IT IS ROFL-material.

and because I could not resist

I was wandering around and saw kat8cha's LJ, and it had this image which instantly spoke to me:

(design @ kat8cha).

this was worth mentioning!

rukawagf's post on 218.
tokei discovers that my mind never leaves the gutter (oh come on, I am not the only one who thought that).
♡♡♡ ironicbonds observes, quite rightly (and happens to also explain 218 in a most succinct manner, "EVERYONE is gay for Tsuna, and 'I'm your ally' basically translates into 'I'm gay for you'."

If it's Theory You Want
☆ Go for makeste's theory posts on 218, here and here.

morphaileffect's 218 post here should also be read. She links this post - which offers a rapid-fire off-the-cuff alternative translation of 218 that's worth reading, and the memorable translation-line, " My knees are wibbling".

To my horror I occasionally can express coherent thought ... and, oh wait, think. I shock myself.

I wish I could say, for Tsuna, as I did for Spanner, CONGRATULATIONS! A BRAND NEW PERVERT HAS JOINED YOUR PARTY!

... except for Shouichi, it's more like a brand new uke.



fst, tsuna/irie, irie, the tsuna effect strikes again, music, strike one for the sawada harem, everybody loves loves l-o-v-e-s tsuna, bring on a brand new chapter

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