I quite like
these Shouichi icons, by
gunmetal_gray. And these
TYL!Gokudera icons. And while I'm okay with the art here, I love the keywords on
these Tsuna icons.
. and the rp
Gokudera is dared to smile. (Loved this!)
I've been waiting for the Spanner RPers to show up and now they have!
Spanner's Truth/Dare here.
His worst fear? Blackouts. AU!Never-was-a-Millefiore!Shouichi.
A+++ for the win, THIS is how Truth/Dare should be played: someone dares Squalo to declare his undying love for Shouichi, and then dares Shouichi to propose when Squalo does so.
Explosion here. Never thought I'd see the day when Irie tells Squalo, "
You're the one who started confessing first!"
Shouichi gets dared into
beating up Lambo. Who asks if he's one of Lambo's male admirers. RESULT OF DARE? LAMBO CRIES. And Ryohei!Ranger tells... I DON'T KNOW WHO:
You must be a light switch, cause every time I see you, you turn me on!!! Ryohei-Ranger goes around with adorable pick-up lines (or facepalm!pick-up lines, depending on where your standards are set), and I liked
this one for Shouichi.
Semi-prose!TYL post. I always like it when TYL!Gokudera talks to TYL!Shouichi. Two of my favourites in one interaction.