WHAT?? Something that ISN'T Bleach? Madness!
So I've decided to foray into Kuroshitsuji. (Read: I am procrastinating on all the Bleach stuff I have to finish)
I took a prompt table from
10iloveyou - "Mystic", since I found it very appropriate for my Kuroshitsuji OTP- Dagger/Beast. Hell, that's two fandoms in a row now where my OTP of OTPs is het. I, of course, adore Sebastian/Ciel and maybe Undertaker/Ciel STFU it could totally happen. , but I adore the dynamic between these two characters. Dagger reminds me of Kon so much. xD But I think the ending was so sad! I stubbornly maintain that Beast mentioned Dagger in her last seconds, but it was cut off in the explosion! *humph* Yeah, I'm a sucker for the goofy younger guy-seemingly secure older woman ships. Not that I dislike Joker, but he needs to elope with Snake or something so Dagger and Beast can have their lurve! (Haha, Joker/Snake = canon, Y/Y?)
And now, without further adieu- THE TABLE OF DOOM.
My goal is to finish these all TODAY. OH YEAH.