Sep 08, 2003 21:17
PENIS WENIS! bahahaha!
Lets see if I can rhyme
because I've got lots of time.
The wind will chime
as I throw a dime
into a lime, and 7 is prime.
My brother smells like cheese
he has stubby knees
and looks like he is Vietnamese.
Dont mock me, please
because you dont like how I cross my T's
or I'll knock you out with my 1-2-3's.
At ease.
Ok whatever. I turned 19. Mentally: still 12. The majority of the population is starting to aggrivate me and I'm going to begin showing it. I got to piss but I'm too lazy to get up. Shrimp kicks ass. AC/DC rocks. My back hurts. My room needs cleaning again. Yay.