can't go to sleeeeeep...

Mar 14, 2006 03:48

This weekend was pretty good. Hung out at my dad's house and ate lots of food with Meghan. I think we went to TCBY three times in one weekend... and Hagen Daas (sp?). It was damn tasty. I ended up watching a lot of movies from the 60's for some reason. Laurence of Arabia, then Doctor Zhivago, and then Cool Hand Luke came on tv. I really like old movies. I think it's because there's more dialogue and less sex scenes. Or maybe it's because I'm sick of hearing about the same damn celebrities all the time. I dunno. Anyway, I still need to apply for a summer job, though I don't really feel like going by myself. My mom likes to remind me about it five or six times an hour. I'm really pissed off because I forgot to do my online assignment thing (aka "Aplia") that was due today. I'm allowed to miss two and that was my third one. I can't believe I forgot AGAIN. Even after I reminded myself to do it yesterday. Stupid fucking aplia. Stupid fucking required economics class. That's the only class I have a C in right now. I'm also really pissed off because I didn't get ANY of the classes I wanted for next semester. I currently am only registered for 13 hours and the creative writting professor didn't email me back. They supposedly reserved seats in intro to Creative Writing for English majors and minors and we got an email saying we could email them and get a seat, so I did and I haven't heard anything since. UUUGGH. SO ANNOYING. On a random note, I just watched this tv show about a family with 14 kids and one on the way. They were like uber obsessively christian and homschooled their kids and dressed in like matching outfits and drove around in a bus singing bible songs... it was creepy. I mean, they seemed like nice people and all they just kind of freaked me out. Yeah...weird. Then at the end of the show after the new baby was born and everything and they were checking on the family a year later the woman was pregnant... AGAIN with baby number 16. HOW MANY BABIES DO YOU NEED? You'd think she'd be sick of being pregnant all the time. Ew. Yeah. Anyway, I'm really awake right now. I wish I could like, go to sleep because there's nothing to do at 3:30 in the morning that doesn't result in people waking up and yelling at me. I guess I'll go read...or...something...
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