sweet day!

May 01, 2009 17:18

oh! so started off simple. woke up, took shower. made sure to take time to eat breakfast ^^. when i went dowstairs brandy showed me she had DVR'd one of my fav comedians and played a lil bit of it. he was in my hometown! he even made fun of oildale, which gave me and brandy a good laugh...man, crazy times..
anyway then i took off to work ^^
fun fun.
first off, my asst manager, jessie (so cool) lets me know that -i- got a complaint from a customer :o Nuuuuuu! and WHY? because i have called him 'hun' or 'love'...aww...heh also, i make his sandwiches sloppy. Bummer! so yeah i was like, sad face.. lol i iz just sloppy lovinz! anyway i was a bit bummed and then he ended up coming in that day, and i was sure to address him as sir and be as neat and proper as possible.
the cool thing is, it didnt go unnoticed. jessie pointed out that she was proud of me for handling it with such grace. :o that made me blush, but also made me very happy. I love it when my efforts are acknowledged. it makes it all worthwhile, ya know?

anyway, the sting of having a complaint was still there until this woman came in... OMG she was so funny! i did her veggies (yeah btw i work at subway haha!) anyway and she just cracked me up! and i told her she had pretty eyes (they were light light blue, like a husky dog, ya know?) anyway that totally brought a smile to her face and she explained 'i have had such a crap day, thank you for that!' lol and apparentaly she LOVES spinach...and olives omg, what a nut hahaha, anyway it turns out that she had come in there with a note explaining that she could get two free subs! lol it was from a woman named paula who used to run the store, fine fine...but the note was from TWO YEARS AGO! ROFL!! and this woman kept fawning over how i made the sandwiches and how nice i was and asked for my name and was just, omg! it was sooo funny! she was awesome, and i hope to see her again!
also, spoke a little french today, to this family, straight outta france. literally, all i said was "ah, je parle francais un peu" (i speak a little french) HAHAHA fail.
Also, in the middle of a huge rush we had sandwich confusion. there was this deaf guy, and he came up and signed "BMT" and said it the best he could and so i rang up this six inch sandwich and sent him on his merry way.. then the next woman says she has a cold cut and i pick up this foot long and she goes 'no... i had a six inch'. so i look around...no six inch to be found. i let jess know and she's like 'you probably gave it to that guy, go chase him down' :o and im thinking 'cripes! this guy is deaf! what am i to do?' but i run out and find him near the coffee machine and do cherades and let him read my lips, etc etc and get him to open the sandwich. Lo and behold, Cold cut! he was so nice about it. i explained that we would fix it and he was so patient. i said sorry and he waved it off and smiled :) nice man.

ah it was cool stuff. so yeah, that my day! lol ^^ now im home, and relaxing :)
tomorrow is sandra's party, woohoo! lol

ttyl ^^
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