Whats there when you lift the curtain?

Apr 06, 2005 17:20

Hi my name is Corey McCourt and im not a very good person. I tend to tell lies, not big ones, but enough white lies to ruin peoples trust in me. Its a problem, i need to fix it. Im also pretty insecure about myself, which is why i tend to look for approval wherever i go, also another problem that needs some major fixing. As most of you close to me know, i lost the love of my life because of these problems (and others mind you). I lied to her, i didnt treat her as good as she needed to be treated, i just plain fucked up. The sad thing is that now she wont talk to me, i cant even apologize because frankly she doenst believe me, no fault to her though she is an amazing girl and an amazing girlfriend. But i guess its good that i at least stay true to my nature, ya know, fucking up my life when its going too good. I am going to change my faults, because im human and as humans naturally tend to do, we better ourselves at every chance we get. I want to apologize to marin, for i am the biggest idiot in the world to hurt her like i did, though i doubt she will ever forgive me. I felt it was best to get this out to everyone, just incase you dont know the real me. Well maybe you do know the real me, i tend to act myself around some people whereas im not myself around others. I dont like that, i dont like who i am, i thought i was doing so good lately but i fucked up. So Marin, if you read this know that i am sorry from the bottom of my heart, believe that i never meant to hurt you, and i understand why you wanted to be done with me, to cast me from you life. And to all my friends, i apologize for being the person i am, i will try with everything i have to be a better person, i will hurt no one else. Thanks for reading, i love you. All of you.
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