Weird Things about Me

Jan 07, 2006 09:02

I was tagged by Edwina so I simply MUST fill this out :-P.

Ground Rules: The first player of this "game" starts with the topic "5 of your weird habits," and people who get tagged need to write a LJ entry about their 5 weird habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next 5 people to be tagged and list their names.

1. [since everyone seems to be talking about food in the 1st one] When I study I get REALLY hungry. I need to eat something ALL the time. In fact, today I didn't have dinner because I ate so much [stolen carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, and apples from the dining hall] while studying. *miserable sigh*
2. I used to HATE alcohol. I didn't even like chocolate-covered liquor or anything in which I could detect even the mildest amount of alcohol. Now I like Bailey's Irish Cream, Champagne, and small quantities of certain wines.
3. I check my email/ lj obsessively. AHK!
4. It takes me AGES to decide what to wear. It depends on: how clean I feel, what mood I'm in, what I predict I will want to wear in the upcomming 3 days, and what clean clothes I have left that match.
5. I look at my phone a lot to check if the time is a pallindrome [like anna!], made up of consecutive digits [like 12:34], or significant [06:22 - my birthday, etc].
[and for good measure] 6. When I send an email or update lj I read and reread it, make corrections here and there, most likely make corrections back to what it was before, send/update and then feel miserable like I made some sort of grave mistake. Did I?

Haha... and if that didn't make me sound like a nervous wreck...


1. Harry
2. Marc
3. Laina
4. Annie
5. Rayn :O)
[and for good measure again] 6. Emily
Back to writing my essay... Weee!

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