Jan 26, 2005 17:19
So, I have been thinking alot about Monday night and, after a talk with Moe, I do regret blaming her for being the reason that I didn't do anything with Aaron. I know it wasn't that. I mean, I would have done something the countless times in the car before that if it was only Moe.
Maybe it's just...I didn't want him to wait for me to do something. If he wanted something, then he should have just done it. He knows that I'm not comfortable with all of this stuff. Plus, I wouldn't have done anything with anyone else there. That's just...weird.
But yeah...I don't know. I mean, I do like him, but not enough to do all of that. You know?
Yeah, so Moe's giving me shit about going to youth group with Jessamyn and Rachel tonight. I know. It's weird, but I don't exactly want to be in the house either. And plus, there's boys! Yeah, like I need anymore crushes, right? I've already got enough. All confusing, and all...inappropriate, I guess. Yeah, I don't know. There's Aaron, the horny asian that expects way too much and calls me a tease...a boy I will refer to Oso (I don't know why. But that's what he wants me to call him because he growls.)...Pablo, the boy that "If I didn't have a girlfriend...", and...I don't know what to do about them all.
God, I'm confused. I don't know what I'm doing really. And I'm thinking about calling Aaron soon. I guess to talk about my uncomfortable-ness with the whole thing. I don't know.
Boys just complicate things.