Apr 20, 2005 08:57
my progress in life is just about as annoying as putting together a very complex dominoes puzzle. once you think youve finally produced the whole thing it falls down bringing every inch of your hard work down with it. Now i must start over. learn the steadiness of my wrist, learn the route of my dominoes trail. learn the characterisitcs of this dominoe world. its almost as if i have been paralised and now i must learn to walk again..... but most importantly i must learn to love again. learn to love myslef. i thought i had perfected walking. i thought that i was wise enough to control my heart. maybe thats just the problem..... maybe you cant ever control your heart. im an idiot for beleiving it could be done. infact im an idiot to beleive i could be wise enough for anything. i am a rookie. from my rookie mind, to my rookie heart. from my rookie speach, to my rookie pose. i am a fraud. i am nothing anyone beleives me to be. i am a dominoe; useless and fragile.