Movie Review: Thor

May 15, 2011 02:18

Thor (Chris Hemsworth) is banished from Asgard by Odin (Anthony Hopkins) after an ill-advised invasion of Jotunheim. On Earth, he is found by Jane Foster (Natalie Portman), who is investigating strange atmospheric disturbances in the area. While Thor tries to find his hammer, Odin has entered the Odinsleep and Loki (Tom Hiddleston) has taken charge in Asgard. Can Thor recover his godhood and is Loki up to something?

Thor follows in the footsteps of recent Marvel adaptions with another solid one. Again, we spend a lot of time establishing the character and less time with him in action. There is the inevitable tie-in with the rest of the Marvel universe, setting the stage for the upcoming Avengers film.

Everyone here does great work. Hemsworth embodies Thor, representing him as a bold and brash individual who speaks with exclamation points at the end of his statements. Hiddleston comes off as a master manipulator to get what he's looking for.

movie, comics, review

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