May 29, 2010 12:54
I blame Manders and Andi for everything.
And by everything I mean leading me to this amazing place. @_@
Hi, everyone! My name's Awbrey, and I'm bringing you one miss Buffy Summers here.~ She's taken from late Season 7 so she's all gung-ho leader of the Teenie Bopper World-Saving Brigade back home and a little... well, frazzled that she's not there to lead anymore. But she's a pretty friendly little California blonde, so don't be scared to throw anybody at her that you want to.~
I'm pretty laid back and outgoing, and I love talking to people be that for no reason at all or chatting about plot, blahblahblah - you can reach me by e-mail at ceiliur [dot] ean [at] gmail [dot] com or on AIM, at CeiliurEan.~
It's nice to meet all of you and I look forward to playing!