Who: Eric, Sookie, Rose, Sam (any others?)
What: Eric goes to meet Rose's vampire hunter, Sookie insists on tagging along
When: Thursday, near midnight
Where: 2nd Floor Hallway
Status: In Progress
Warnings: Swearing? Eric hopes for no violence (shocking, I know)
As expected, after hearing of the meeting Eric had agreed to with Rose and her 'vampire hunter,' Sookie had insisted upon coming along. He'd asked her to stay behind, not sure if this was going to turn into a trap set by said hunter, but she had quickly gotten angry with him, insisting that her presence and telepathy would be useful. He had to admit that she was correct in part - if Sam were setting up an attack, having a human companion who at least knew him would be helpful in proving his 'innocence', and her ability would warn them of any unpleasant intentions. Eventually, he relented, allowing her to come along. He would have preferred her to remain hidden, but he knew her well enough to know that she would never stand for that.
They arrived at the assigned meeting point early, which conveniently was on the 2nd floor hallway, not far from Sookie's room. Eric leaned against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest as they waited for Rose to arrive, his eyes flicking down each end of the hallway periodically to check for any movement. Despite his belief that Rose hadn't been lying to him (he was pretty good at sniffing out the lies of humans), that didn't mean that her friend was going to keep his word and come without her. Sookie needed to stay safe, which meant he needed to be prepared.
Eric heard the sound of nearby footsteps before he saw them through the darkness, and he silently cursed his mildly dulled senses as he stood up straight and stepped to the middle of the hallway, positioning himself in front of the blonde telepath. Still, it was easy to hear that there were two pairs of shoes coming closer, and that was a good sign. So far, everything was going as planned. He glanced over his shoulder at Sookie, the two blondes exchanging a silent stare, before returned his attention to the approaching figures.