WHO: OPEN, multiple threads encouraged; The Shifter & you..
WHERE: Your dreams
WHEN: The nights of the 19th & 20th, or maybe during the day, if you happen to nap.
WHAT: The nightmares are becoming more real. You're beginning to wonder if maybe there's something to this.
WARNINGS: Violence, disturbing images.
NOTE: Joining this log means entering
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Then he's standing on the small boat, casting his gaze about the seemingly endless water around him. The vessel is empty of oars, food, clothing, or any other item aside from a net made of simple, thick, braided rope. The sky is gray, despite no recognition of clouds, sun, or any other semblance of normal weather.
The sky is black and rumbles, though he knows there is no need to fear lightning. Perhaps it is raining again. When he lifts up one hand, the other still holding the net in place, he finds the "rain" is flakes of ash. The sky is weeping death.
His attention is drawn to his hand and his grip loosens on the net when he stares at the ash on his palm. “What?” That’s not rain. The angel leans back and stands, staring up at the sky, though he squints his eyes a little as he observes the flakes coming down. “Why?” Did something terrible happen?
He kneels in a barn. Feathers are strewn about the room around him, some bloodied but most still glistening white. His mind is instantly aware of the pain he should be feeling from his back, of the puddle of blood that soaks his pants and paws at his legs. Dean stands before him, eyes blackened with the demonic presence.
"I'm trying to help you, Castiel!" The Winchester's voice shouts as a ghastly echo, cutting across the otherwise flat silence.
"We need you to trust us," the younger Winchester's voice rings.
"You're not them." They were possessed. He had to help them! Save them. Somehow, he had to get those things out of their bodies. "Nngh.." His frame shuddered with another spasm of pain. "What have you done?" Even though he asked, he already knew. Oh God, had they mutilated him?
The weapon is gone. Then so too are Dean and Sam. Castiel kneels alone in the room, feathers disappeared but blood remains. Michael still watches with the same expression, waiting to see what the angel may do.
Castiel looks to the archangel and then down again, trying once more to get to his feet. The last archangel he saw was Raphael, and that was when he was killed for helping Dean. Maybe Michael is here to do the job again and make sure Cas stays dead this time.
"It's wrong. The apocalypse should not happen. You can stop it."
The angel snaps awake in the morning, having slept through the afternoon, evening, and night. His back aches severely, though he knows his wings are still present. When he moves to a mirror to examine the damage, he finds no sign of blood or loss; just pain. However, he could have sworn he caught a glimpse of his own eyes being pitch black for just a moment..
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