
May 25, 2005 21:24

ok long week . .well it is only wensday but i dont have to go to school for the rest of the week because i am goin to bangor till sunday afternoon. but it should be fun hanging wit all my chicas.

but the funniest thing that happened to me this week techniquly happened to billy. brock was making fun of me and callin me an HQ. dont even ask wat it means, and i went ot hit him not realizing that he had strawberry milk wit no cap on it in his hand. to make a long story short the milk went all over billy's white shirt. i felt so bad but i laughed sooo very very very hard. it was sooo funny. i really did feel bad tho.

what else happened this week? Well ia m selling calendars for dance team. everyone better buy some. lacy and i r gonna do a bottle drive together and if u want us to stop by ur house let us kno. but that should be fun. wat else happened. hmmm . . . i think that may be all worth talking bout. i saw marc adn kevo at their lunch today. kevo wouldn't let go of me. Marc now has my necklace and ring so i feel naked. umm . .i think that may be it oooooo I got to get out of school early the last 2 days to go play tennis, we lost but it was fun, coach bought us ice cream on the way home and it was good. i am getting new shoes tomorro before i leave. but my brain isn't working right due to the lack of oxygen i had whenmy mom was fixing my corset to my gown so i am gonna go

peace out and i will call u lisa over the weekend unless my sister wants to be mean and i might call some of u other ppl but dont count on it lol.

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