my astrological profile

Mar 02, 2006 17:35

Short Report - Personal Portrait
Shari, female,
born on 21 June 1975 at 4:43 pm
in Los Angeles, California.

Sun in Gemini, Moon in Sagittarius * Ascendant in Scorpio, Mars in the Sixth House * Moon in the First House * Sun in the Eighth House * Venus in the Ninth House * Saturn in the Ninth House

Your sun sign is Gemini.
This is the sign in which the Sun is in your birth chart.
Your Ascendant is in Scorpio, and your Moon is in Sagittarius.

*****In case you are wondering why you are addressed as a Gemini in this report: If you had been born 44 minutes later, you would be the subsequent sign Cancer. The exact hour at which the sun moves from one sign into the next is different every year.*****

Sun in Gemini, Moon in Sagittarius

You were born with the Sun in Gemini and the Moon in Sagittarius. Your individuality appears intellectual, while your personality tends to be emotional. Inwardly you are intelligent and dynamic, and your mind is active. Your keen intellect is given to theoretical ideas and mental speculation.

If you could live as you pleased, it would be a nomadic, gypsy sort of existence, totally free to experience new situations and people. In your daily affairs, others see you as restless and unsettled.

In dealings with others you are sincere and, unless extremely pressed by circumstances, totally straightforward. Others regard you as a vibrant person. You display a tremendous interest in philosophy and religion, and enjoy developing your own functional ideas.

The key to a better integration of your being is to harmonize your inner self, which is primarily intellectual, with your personality, which is more emotional.

Ascendant in Scorpio, Mars in the Sixth House

At the time of your birth the zodiacal sign of Scorpio was ascending in the horizon. Its ruler Mars is located in the sixth house.

Your life will be marked by your shrewd, secretive, obstinate, clever, and reserved disposition. You remain an enigma: with these traits, your life events could be either very tragic or very fortunate. To which category of Scorpio do you belong? There are two types, the extremely emotional, attracted by those pathological aspects of biological relationship, or the highly mystical, concerned with spirituality.

You are a person of extremes, very sensitive and desirous of attachment. There is some attraction to the occult or to psychic phenomena. You are active in the sense that there is a psychological struggle going on inside you between the positive and negative poles - those of affirming and satisfying or rejecting and repressing. You are very intense in your feelings and remain passionately attached to the person you love. Similarly, when you dislike someone you are very fixed in that feeling. However, there is room for optimism in that: whatever type of Scorpio you may happen to be, there exists a desire deep in your inner self for psychic regeneration.

At some point in your life, after the occurrence of a major dramatic event that will affect you deeply, the goal and entire expression of your ego may alter entirely. The intensity and profundity of your passion, however, will always be constant. You have a tendency to go into the shadows and secretly plan the course of action you will take, reluctant to let others know the exact nature of your mood or feelings. In your sexual affairs you are full of passion and strong attachment.

Exert more control over your passions; don't be so resentful of others. Use your strong will and character for favorable and beneficial things.

You have a strong inclination to be involved in medicine, perhaps even surgery. You are attracted by research and investigation in general.

This position indicates that your actions will be geared to work. You are going to be very energetic in work and enthusiastic in all labor-type duties. Your treatment of other people in work will be liberal and sympathetic, but when they respond in a similar manner you become angry and over-authoritative. People with Mars in the sixth house should be their own bosses or carry on independently in business as when they are subordinate to others there is a tendency to work too hard. Note: Mars is technically near the end of house 5 and is therefore interpreted in house 6.

Moon in the First House

The Moon is in the first house. This position indicates that you are strongly influenced by your feelings and moods.

Your awareness of yourself is influenced by your momentary feelings, and this perception is subject to rapid changes of mood and emotion. In time, you will learn to understand why you react as you do to various situations, and then you can begin to change your response patterns and take more control of your life.

Others sense your lack of emotional self-sufficiency and tend to get involved in your personal affairs, even if you try to prevent it. You express your sensitivity through an emotional need to nurture and be nurtured by others. While you would like to have guidance and supervision concerning your goals and objectives, it would be better to achieve your aims independently so that you will not feel obligated to others.

The advantage of this position lies in your ability to sense other people's needs and desires.

In fact, you have a calming effect on people who are under stress, and this makes you ideally suited for working with the public.

Sun in the Eighth House

The Sun was found in your eighth house at the time of birth. This inclines your individuality to be oriented, in one way or another, to the deeper sides of life. Your sexual feelings are long-lasting, intense, and vital. Your inner self seems attracted to unusual matters related to the termination of life-death and its mysteries.

Traditional astrology indicates that near your middle age a crisis will rear its head in your life. If this period is successfully spanned you can expect a prolonged life with a gradual heightening vitality.

Financially, there are definite chances for money inherited from either your partner or from another relative.

Venus in the Ninth House

Venus was found in the ninth house at the time of birth. Your mind appears as very adaptable, gentle, peace-loving and tactful. This position indicates that the secret for your ability to reach a state of harmony and emotional balance may come through the use of your higher mental powers. You have been born with an exquisitely refined, artistic mind which has a very subtle appreciation of all that has to do with culture. Your disposition is kind, congenial, gentle and sympathetic and you have a natural ability to assist other individuals.

This position gives you much social intercourse with intellectual persons and success derived therefrom.

Merely minor disabilities will affect you in your intellectual endeavors. The worst that could happen would be an overly inquisitive, indecisive nature that never seems to be satisfied. However, you have within you the ability to avoid these psychological obstacles.

Saturn in the Ninth House

Saturn was found in the ninth house at the time of birth. This indicates that your concern over the impermanence of all things will urge you to restrict your personality traits and assume a position of caution and planning before pursuing any important matter.

In a practical sense, your attitude to all higher intellectual functions is that of a studious, serious, and meditative person. You must, however, be attentive to the possible presence of several challenging elements in your intellectual make-up such as depression, fear, and severity. Note: Saturn is technically near the end of house 8 and is therefore interpreted in house 9.

AstroText Portrait - Short Edition
for Shari (female)
born on 21 June 1975 local time 04:43 pm
in Los Angeles, CA (US) U.T. 23:43
118w15, 34n03 sid. time 09:48:11

Planetary positions
planet sign degree house motion
Sun Gemini 29°58'16 08 direct
Moon Sagittarius 09°01'30 01 direct
Mercury Gemini 15°01'48 07 stationary (D)
Venus Leo 15°18'06 09 direct
Mars Aries 23°24'32 05/6 direct
Mars is technically near the end of house 5 and is interpreted in house 6.
Jupiter Aries 20°19'40 05 direct
Saturn Cancer 19°28'28 08/9 direct
Saturn is technically near the end of house 8 and is interpreted in house 9.
Uranus Libra 28°27'27 12 retrograde
Neptune Sagittarius 09°53'07 01 retrograde
Pluto Libra 06°29'15 11 stationary (D)
True Node Sagittarius 00°47'22 01 retrograde

House positions (Placidus)
Ascendant Scorpio 17°32'11
2nd House Sagittarius 17°08'42
3rd House Capricorn 20°08'05
Imum Coeli Aquarius 24°45'18
5th House Pisces 27°03'59
6th House Aries 24°31'31
Descendant Taurus 17°32'11
8th House Gemini 17°08'42
9th House Cancer 20°08'05
Medium Coeli Leo 24°45'18
11th House Virgo 27°03'59
12th House Libra 24°31'31

Major aspects
Sun Sextile Mars 6°34
Sun Trine Uranus 1°31
Sun Square Pluto 6°31
Moon Opposition Mercury 6°00
Moon Trine Venus 6°17
Moon Conjunction Neptune 0°52
Moon Sextile Pluto 2°32
Mercury Sextile Venus 0°16
Mercury Sextile Jupiter 5°18
Mercury Opposition Neptune 5°09
Mercury Quincunx Ascendant 2°30
Venus Trine Jupiter 5°02
Venus Trine Neptune 5°25
Venus Square Ascendant 2°14
Mars Conjunction Jupiter 3°05
Mars Square Saturn 3°56
Mars Opposition Uranus 5°03
Jupiter Square Saturn 0°51
Jupiter Quincunx Ascendant 2°47
Saturn Trine Ascendant 1°56
Neptune Sextile Pluto 3°24
Numbers indicate orb (deviation from the exact aspect angle)

astrology, feeling drained, about me

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