Sep 13, 2005 23:09
ok im gonna make this short sweet and simple for those (kaz) that where too ignorant to understand why the pic that kaz posted pissed me off. The picture that she posted was a real photo from 9/11 that some sick fuck added what they thought was funny to it.To me that is a slap in the face not only to those people that died there and those that lost family there but allso to every red blooded american.My family has been in a branch of the miltary for as long as we can trace back this includes me,yeah i had the guts to raise my hand and swear to defend this land of ours like my family and so many others before me.So there you go boys and girls thats why that posted pic pissed me off not as kaz but it to bring more people into online drama anyone that knows me knows damm well i fucking hate drama so if people wanna ban me for speaking my mind because it dosnt go along with their way of thinking fine so fucking be it bann me fuckers my life wont end because of it hell it will only get better...