Apr 17, 2004 01:09
hmmm. well im back. i was gone longer than i wanted to but sometimes shit happens. add another scar to me and continue life. cuts all over my hands are beggining to count up. none as big as the one my brother gave me however. life is what you put into it they say, but i think life owes me a few favors then. ive been back one day and i got into a fight. the first fight ive been into in a long time. fucker got me with his knife but it was to late for him by then. i think i broke his hand and his nose didnt look good either. fucking nut. i only had twenty bucks anyway but im not going to get robbed by a piece of shit i spent 9 months out to sea to supposedly defend his right to be a fuck. worst thing? he had no money for me to take.