Apr 13, 2004 02:27
First, thanks to Heather, Judy, and Rykie for bringing me Taco Bell and Rooster Booster. Perhaps I can put y'all in the acknowledgements section of my thesis...
I have one more program section to type up, which is the equivalant of two pages, then I just have to flesh out the introduction, acknowledgements, FAQ, Why Study Abroad?, and choosing the right program sections. I think I'll do all the fleshing out tomorrow from 1:00-5:00.
People kept coming in the commuters' lounge earlier looking for the spade.
There will be a thesis completion celebration at Jared's house at approximately 11:00 Friday night. We will be serving lemonade brewed by a man named Mike.
Well, off to type the Guatemala section, then it's to bed for me.