(no subject)

Apr 12, 2004 11:17

Sing it with me (TO THE TUNE OF THE MICKEY MOUSE CLUB SONG): Monday sucks! Monday sucks! Forever will it make me want to cry (cry, cry, cry). So come along and sing this song and get it off your chest: M-O-N-D-A-Y S-U-C-K-S!

1. I got a 74 on my British Playwrights presentation. Now, I know it was not the best presentation ever, but I do think it warranted more than a 74!

2. I'm sick, and it couldn't have happened during a more inconvenient week. I have a thesis due, as well as a five page paper in psychology of religion (and I can't even think of a topic yet!)

3. It's Greek Week. All Greek Week activities are mandatory.

4. It's Initiation Week. All Initiation Week activities are also mandatory...

5. Proving that both my sorority and Greek Council currently exist to make my life a living hell! (if you are a member of either and you are reading this, please do not take offense!)

6. There is a spider in my room, which means that arachnaphobic me gets to sleep on a couch downstairs until the eight-legged freak decides to crawl out from behind the pipe where it is currently lurking and consent to being squashed to death.

7. The story I posted to Blackboard for my class did not post correctly, so now I have to post it again AND print out copies for the class AND read it aloud in class.
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