Star Wars star Hayden Christensen has been warned to go "straight" by his handlers, as found in the latest Hayden Christensen blind item by Ben Widdicombe of the New York Daily News.
It is reported here at the bottom, if the link hasn't gone to archives yet: "Don't Shoot the Messenger
* Which handsome young movie actor has been told by his handlers to straighten up his image? Expect fewer fey photo shoots and more leaks about 'hooking up' with prime-time TV actresses."
And the mystery is solved here:
Blind Items: May and June 2005 "58. NY DAILY NEWS/BEN WIDDICOMBE...06/19
Which handsome young movie actor has been told by his handlers to straighten up his image? Expect fewer fey photo shoots and more leaks about 'hooking up' with prime-time TV actresses. Hayden Christensen"
And that explains a lot of the lies and crimes that have been committed recently.